inside The Brit List Awards 2022 • Hotel Designs

inside The Brit List Awards 2022 • Hotel Designs

Moving into its fifth year, The Brit List Awards 2022 took things up a notch with the spotlight shifting seamlessly between the winners, the designer audience and the energetic performers on a night characterised by a celebration when everyone had their moment – or was that the reflection from those aforementioned fire-breathers?

firebreathing act at Hotel Designs BritList awards ceremeny at PROUD Embankment

Image credit: Hotel Designs/The Brit List Awards 2022

On November 2, PROUD Embankment transformed into the official venue for The Brit List Awards 2022. More than 600 architects, hoteliers, designers, developers and brands from across the globe gathered for an awards ceremony literally unlike any other that was punctuated with fire-breathers, acrobats and cabaret performers to celebrate not only the winners, but a progressive year in the hospitality arena.

Despite the end of year celebratory zeitgeist that underpins the event, it is also a time to pause and reflect. While the industry is still dealing with the aftershock of the pandemic and its inevitable redirection, it is also been characterised by a new era of social concern and responsibility – one in which the industry as a whole is digging deeper, no longer content with window dressing. To continue with the energy and forward momentum, it has been important for the hospitality industry to be seen as part of the solution – and moving forward has indeed been done in leaps and bounds as the conversation around questions of consumption, carbon footprints and circular design becomes both louder and part of the new normal.

And the exciting part – it feels like this is just the beginning! And the really exciting part – see if you can spot yourself in our pictorial round-up of the evening where we may show, but we’ll never tell…

Thank you to our sponsors

The Brit List Awards, Hotel Designs’ annual campaign to find the best interior designers, architects, hoteliers and brands in Britain and beyond, will return next year (with even more surprises). Applications/nominations for interior designers, architects, hoteliers and suppliers will open in Summer 2023. 

Main image credit: Hotel Designs/The Brit List Awards 2022

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